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There's one link for you to click that will confirm you're ready to start receiving easy to understand information about tax and accounting.
But before you head over there...
We create weekly newsletters to help Owners get the most out of their Accounting. If you're interested, you can help us do that by answering a few quick questions below. Your answers will help us make sure that what we write each week is relevant for Owners like you.
So while you wait for that email, take 30 seconds and let us know what information would help you the most.
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Okay. By signing up and answering those three questions, you've already joined the conversation! Only one step left to begin.
That email we sent you should be waiting in your inbox. If you can't find it, you may have to check your (gasp!) spam folder. And, if for some reason you can't find it anywhere, email us.... and we will get it sorted out for you!
So check your inbox, click the confirmation link, and we'll start into showing you how to pay yourself as an Owner.